IKO in robotics is the computational process of determining optimal joint configurations to achieve a desired end-effector pose. It plays a vital role in tasks like motion planning and control, enhancing the accuracy of robotic movements
Inverse Kinematics Optimazation
We are building a snake robot. This snake robot moves in a plane and has 5 joints, making it a redundant robot. We are using this redundancy to mimic the motion of real snakes.
Leaving within the Jacobian pseudoinverse. Implementing the numerical inverse kinematics algorithm to find the inverse kinematics solutions when:
Plot of the snake robot in its initial position 𝜃 = [𝜋/8, 𝜋/8, 𝜋/8, 𝜋/8, 𝜋/8]’
Case 1: 𝐿 = 1 and the desired end-effector pose is:
At each iteration we first plot the robot and save a video frame. Then we calculate the Jacobian and perform numerical inverse kinematics. The loop terminates when the actual pose is close to the desired pose.
closeallclearclc% create figurefigureaxis([-6,6,-6,6])gridonholdon% save as a video filev=VideoWriter('Inverse_Kinematics_1.mp4','MPEG-4');v.FrameRate=25;open(v);% initial joint valuesL=1;theta= [pi/8;pi/8;pi/8;pi/8;pi/8];S1= [001000]';S2= [0010-1*L0]';S3= [0010-2*L0]';S4= [0010-3*L0]';S5= [0010-4*L0]';S_eq= [S1,S2,S3,S4,S5];M= [eye(3), [5*L;0;0];0001];M1= [eye(3), [1*L;0;0];0001];M2= [eye(3), [2*L;0;0];0001];M3= [eye(3), [3*L;0;0];0001];M4= [eye(3), [4*L;0;0];0001];% Given desired Transformation matrices T_dT_d= [rotz(pi/4), [3;2;0];0001];Xd= [r2axisangle(T_d(1:3,1:3));T_d(1:3,4)];% T with initial joint positionsT=fk(M,S_eq,theta);X= [r2axisangle(T(1:3,1:3));T(1:3,4)];whilenorm(Xd-X) >1e-2p0= [0;0];% plot the robotT1=fk(M1,S1,theta(1));% 1. get the position of each linkT2=fk(M2, [S1,S2], [theta(1),theta(2)]);T3=fk(M3, [S1,S2,S3], [theta(1),theta(2),theta(3)]);T4=fk(M4, [S1,S2,S3,S4], [theta(1),theta(2),theta(3),theta(4)]);P_v= [p0,T1(1:2,4),T2(1:2,4),T3(1:2,4),T4(1:2,4),T(1:2,4)];cla;% 2. draw the robot and save the frameplot(P_v(1,:),P_v(2,:),'o-','color',[1,0.5,0],'linewidth',4)drawnowframe=getframe(gcf);writeVideo(v,frame);% My Implementation for inverse kinematics calculation belowJS=JacS(S_eq,theta);% Updated Space JacobianJb=adjointM(inv(T))*JS;%Updated Body JacobianJ= [T(1:3,1:3) zeros(3);zeros(3) T(1:3,1:3)] *Jb;% Updated Geometric JacobianV=Xd-X;delta_theta=pinv(J)*V+(eye(5) -pinv(J)*J)*[0;0;0;0;0];theta=double(theta+0.1*delta_theta);% Updating theta until the while loop is satisfied to get the desired joint positionsT=fk(M,S_eq,theta);X= [r2axisangle(T(1:3,1:3));T(1:3,4)];endclose(v);closeall
Case 2: 𝐿 = 1 and the desired end-effector pose is:
closeallclearclc% create figurefigureaxis([-6,6,-6,6])gridonholdon% save as a video filev=VideoWriter('Inverse_Kinematics_2.mp4','MPEG-4');v.FrameRate=25;open(v);% initial joint valuesL=1;theta= [pi/8;pi/8;pi/8;pi/8;pi/8];S1= [001000]';S2= [0010-1*L0]';S3= [0010-2*L0]';S4= [0010-3*L0]';S5= [0010-4*L0]';S_eq= [S1,S2,S3,S4,S5];M= [eye(3), [5*L;0;0];0001];M1= [eye(3), [1*L;0;0];0001];M2= [eye(3), [2*L;0;0];0001];M3= [eye(3), [3*L;0;0];0001];M4= [eye(3), [4*L;0;0];0001];% Given desired Transformation matrices T_dT_d= [rotz(pi/4), [-2;4;0];0001];Xd= [r2axisangle(T_d(1:3,1:3));T_d(1:3,4)];% T with initial joint positionsT=fk(M,S_eq,theta);X= [r2axisangle(T(1:3,1:3));T(1:3,4)];whilenorm(Xd-X) >1e-2p0= [0;0];% plot the robotT1=fk(M1,S1,theta(1));% 1. get the position of each linkT2=fk(M2, [S1,S2], [theta(1),theta(2)]);T3=fk(M3, [S1,S2,S3], [theta(1),theta(2),theta(3)]);T4=fk(M4, [S1,S2,S3,S4], [theta(1),theta(2),theta(3),theta(4)]);P_v= [p0,T1(1:2,4),T2(1:2,4),T3(1:2,4),T4(1:2,4),T(1:2,4)];cla;% 2. draw the robot and save the frameplot(P_v(1,:),P_v(2,:),'o-','color',[1,0.5,0],'linewidth',4)drawnowframe=getframe(gcf);writeVideo(v,frame);% My Implementation for inverse kinematics calculation belowJS=JacS(S_eq,theta);% Updated Space JacobianJb=adjointM(inv(T))*JS;%Updated Body JacobianJ= [T(1:3,1:3) zeros(3);zeros(3) T(1:3,1:3)] *Jb;% Updated Geometric JacobianV=Xd-X;delta_theta=pinv(J)*V+(eye(5) -pinv(J)*J)*[0;0;0;0;0];theta=double(theta+0.1*delta_theta);% Updating theta until the while loop is satisfied to get the desired joint positionsT=fk(M,S_eq,theta);X= [r2axisangle(T(1:3,1:3));T(1:3,4)];endclose(v);closeall
Case 3: 𝐿 = 1 and the desired end-effector pose is:
closeallclearclc% create figurefigureaxis([-6,6,-6,6])gridonholdon% save as a video filev=VideoWriter('Inverse_Kinematics_3.mp4','MPEG-4');v.FrameRate=25;open(v);% initial joint valuesL=1;theta= [pi/8;pi/8;pi/8;pi/8;pi/8];S1= [001000]';S2= [0010-1*L0]';S3= [0010-2*L0]';S4= [0010-3*L0]';S5= [0010-4*L0]';S_eq= [S1,S2,S3,S4,S5];M= [eye(3), [5*L;0;0];0001];M1= [eye(3), [1*L;0;0];0001];M2= [eye(3), [2*L;0;0];0001];M3= [eye(3), [3*L;0;0];0001];M4= [eye(3), [4*L;0;0];0001];% Given desired Transformation matrices T_dT_d= [rotz(0), [3;-1;0];0001];Xd= [r2axisangle(T_d(1:3,1:3));T_d(1:3,4)];% T with initial joint positionsT=fk(M,S_eq,theta);X= [r2axisangle(T(1:3,1:3));T(1:3,4)];whilenorm(Xd-X) >1e-2p0= [0;0];% plot the robotT1=fk(M1,S1,theta(1));% 1. get the position of each linkT2=fk(M2, [S1,S2], [theta(1),theta(2)]);T3=fk(M3, [S1,S2,S3], [theta(1),theta(2),theta(3)]);T4=fk(M4, [S1,S2,S3,S4], [theta(1),theta(2),theta(3),theta(4)]);P_v= [p0,T1(1:2,4),T2(1:2,4),T3(1:2,4),T4(1:2,4),T(1:2,4)];cla;% 2. draw the robot and save the frameplot(P_v(1,:),P_v(2,:),'o-','color',[1,0.5,0],'linewidth',4)drawnowframe=getframe(gcf);writeVideo(v,frame);% My Implementation for inverse kinematics calculation belowJS=JacS(S_eq,theta);% Updated Space JacobianJb=adjointM(inv(T))*JS;%Updated Body JacobianJ= [T(1:3,1:3) zeros(3);zeros(3) T(1:3,1:3)] *Jb;% Updated Geometric JacobianV=Xd-X;delta_theta=pinv(J)*V+(eye(5) -pinv(J)*J)*[0;0;0;0;0];theta=double(theta+0.1*delta_theta);% Updating theta until the while loop is satisfied to get the desired joint positionsT=fk(M,S_eq,theta);X= [r2axisangle(T(1:3,1:3));T(1:3,4)];endclose(v);closeall
Jacobian Pseudoinverse and Redundancy
This problem continues exploring the redundant snake robot used simulated above. So far we have left in our Jacobian pseudoinverse. More generally, choosing allows us to set a secondary objective for the inverse kinematics of redundant robots.
Here we establish that numerical inverse kinematics finds a solution for such that equals the desired end-effector pose. But when working with redundant robots, multiple solutions are often possible. Choosing affects which of these solutions the algorithm selects.
Now I set as the following vector (and update as changes):
Which is a
Here we change the delta_theta by manipulating the pseudoinverse and introducing the null-space
Note: was a zero vector till now for all the three cases, but now we will notice the change for Case 3:
closeallclearclc% create figurefigureaxis([-6,6,-6,6])gridonholdon% save as a video filev=VideoWriter('Inverse_Kinematics_3_null_space.mp4','MPEG-4');v.FrameRate=25;open(v);% initial joint valuesL=1;theta= [pi/8;pi/8;pi/8;pi/8;pi/8];S1= [001000]';S2= [0010-1*L0]';S3= [0010-2*L0]';S4= [0010-3*L0]';S5= [0010-4*L0]';S_eq= [S1,S2,S3,S4,S5];M= [eye(3), [5*L;0;0];0001];M1= [eye(3), [1*L;0;0];0001];M2= [eye(3), [2*L;0;0];0001];M3= [eye(3), [3*L;0;0];0001];M4= [eye(3), [4*L;0;0];0001];% Given desired Transformation matrices T_dT_d= [rotz(0), [3;-1;0];0001];Xd= [r2axisangle(T_d(1:3,1:3));T_d(1:3,4)];% T with initial joint positionsT=fk(M,S_eq,theta);X= [r2axisangle(T(1:3,1:3));T(1:3,4)];whilenorm(Xd-X) >1e-2p0= [0;0];% plot the robotT1=fk(M1,S1,theta(1));% 1. get the position of each linkT2=fk(M2, [S1,S2], [theta(1),theta(2)]);T3=fk(M3, [S1,S2,S3], [theta(1),theta(2),theta(3)]);T4=fk(M4, [S1,S2,S3,S4], [theta(1),theta(2),theta(3),theta(4)]);P_v= [p0,T1(1:2,4),T2(1:2,4),T3(1:2,4),T4(1:2,4),T(1:2,4)];cla;% 2. draw the robot and save the frameplot(P_v(1,:),P_v(2,:),'o-','color',[1,0.5,0],'linewidth',4)drawnowframe=getframe(gcf);writeVideo(v,frame);% My Implementation for inverse kinematics calculation belowJS=JacS(S_eq,theta);% Updated Space JacobianJb=adjointM(inv(T))*JS;%Updated Body JacobianJ= [T(1:3,1:3) zeros(3);zeros(3) T(1:3,1:3)] *Jb;% Updated Geometric JacobianV=Xd-X;delta_theta=pinv(J)*V+(eye(5) -pinv(J)*J)*[-theta(1);0;0;0;0];theta=double(theta+0.1*delta_theta);% Updating theta until the while loop is satisfied to get the desired joint positionsT=fk(M,S_eq,theta);X= [r2axisangle(T(1:3,1:3));T(1:3,4)];endclose(v);closeall
The final joint positions (with due approximation):
Case 3 with :
Case 3 with :
Comparing these two results, we have that || is smaller (and is closer to zero) with the secondary objective:
There are several reasons why we may want to minimize a joint angle:
• The actuator at that joint moves more slowly than the other actuators.
• Moving the actuator at that joint consumes more power as compared to the other actuators along the robot arm.
• We want to avoid colliding with an obstacle, and we need to keep one or more joints at a specific angle to avoid that obstacle